Recognition of credit mobility and prior learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (formal, non-formal and informal)

The Mantua Conservatoire operates recognition of formal, non-formal and informal types of learning, according to the ECTS principles and guidelines. The purpose of the accreditation of prior learning process is to enable learners to gain credit within a course programme, for specific unit courses. The amount of credit recognition will not exceed 50% of the total credit amount required for the degree. The credit recognition rules and process are described in details in the Regolamento riconoscimento crediti (only in Italian). Please see the menu Didattica/Info e regolamenti (tab Regolamenti didattici) in the Italian section of this website.

Credit Recognition for Erasmus Exchange Students

Full academic recognition of the mobility period is granted to exchange students of the Mantua Conservatoire, according to the Erasmus+ Programme principles and guidelines. The study period abroad (including examinations or other forms of assessment) replaces a comparable period of study at the Mantua Conservatoire (including examinations or other forms of assessment). Normally, 30 credits for a semester and 60 credits for the whole academic year are to be acquired and recognized. Credit to be acquired abroad, and to be counted towards the student's study plan for the recognition, are defined before the beginning of the mobility in the student's Learning Agreement. Upon proof of completion of the studies abroad, credits acquired in the host institution are automatically recognized and registered in the student's study plan, according to the student's Learning Agreement. The credit recognition rules and process are described in details in the Regolamento Erasmus (only in Italian). Please see the menu Erasmus+ in the International section of this website.

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